
суббота, 30 апреля 2016 г.

MSI X99A SLI PLUS Windows 10 hang issue resolved

I've become a happy owner of MSI X99A Sli Plus mobo. I already read about many issues with asus burninng, msi burning, random Windows hangs due to problems with USB. And I want to say that I encountered nothing of that with my MSI mobo (bios 1.9, recently updated it to 1.B).

But I encountered an annoying hang for which I found a solution, so I want to share it because I don't see it anywhere on the web.

Problem: after unplugging PC from the outlet and plugging back Windows 10 hangs for the first time.
Solution: insert USB stick in one of the USB3.1 slots. You just need to keep 1 USB3.1 slot occupied to not run into that problem

четверг, 7 апреля 2016 г.

C#: Why Dictionary with hashcode as key is dangerous

Recently, I encountered following code:

        private readonly Dictionary<int, View> _listCellsForDisposal;
            if (!_listCellsForDisposal.Contains(view.GetHashCode()))
                _listCellsForDisposal.Add(view.GetHashCode(), view);

The intent of that code is just add item to the list if it doesn't present. But is it doing work well? It doesn't. Let's see why.

At first, let's look at the signature of GetHashCode:

public override int GetHashCode()

So, it returns int. int in c# is platform-dependent. For example int32 takes 4 bytes, it's range is:

-2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647

(source: https://msdn.microsoft.com/ru-ru/library/5kzh1b5w.aspx)

But how many objects can we add to the dictionary?